Why communicating is so important NOW…

alix king
2 min readMay 1, 2020


Businesses are making a concerted effort to keep in touch with their customers while they have had to temporarily close their doors during the pandemic.

Communication is the key to retaining that client base that you worked so hard to build.

So we have to ask:

Is your business communicating effectively at this important time?

Business is so competitive now, even when there’s no pandemic. I wanted to say ‘nowadays’ but that seems archaic and, well, stuffy.

I digress.

But this proves a point. Words are important. They allow you to form an opinion, to get your point across, enable you to communicate with a chosen audience, and, to well, win that audience over.

Which is what competitive businesses need to do to gain (and retain) customers.

Let’s take an example.

Gill* is a physiotherapist, who works for herself. She works in a private clinic, owned by Mark*

Mark is worried. Most of his clinic’s work entails hands-on therapy. We have to social distance until further notice. How can he ensure that his clinic retains clients, and they return in the future?

Gill has already thought about this. She has sent all her clients a message — via Whattsap, Facebook messenger, Twitter and even Instagram. She has directed them to her Facebook page, which has examples of exercises, stretches and yoga/pilates moves to help with her clients’ wellbeing. She has also set up an ‘ask me anything’ messenger site. She has been in touch with all, they have been very receptive and have told her that not only will they find her online resources useful, but they will indeed stay her clients when they can once again see her.

What did Gill do? Communicate with her clients. How easy was it for her to do? Very. How long did it take her? A few minutes for each client. Which, i’m sure you’ll agree — is worth their loyalty.

I was lucky to attend a Zoom event with relentlessly helpful John Esperian as the speaker — regarding this very subject. What was his opinion? Don’t stop communicating. Keep talking. You may not see a problem now if you stop that communication, but this may have a devastating effect in the future.

So what should you do?

So take this moment of downtime to think of what you would like to say to your clients/customers — during these difficult times AND when you we can eventually see light at the end of the tunnel. They will appreciate that you have thought of them — and will more than likely be there for you when this is all over.

I can help…

And if you’re not the greatest with words? Get me to help. I’m used to working from home anyway…

*Names changed

